Kids Teaching Kids with Love

Kids Teach Tech empowers youth to seize the technology opportunities of their future. We enable students to become teachers who create and teach classes for their community. We teach free classes to youth in libraries, schools, non-profit groups, and live-online across California, the United States, and now Internationally.

Contact us anytime at:

Upcoming & Recent Classes

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5th Annual Engineering STEM Summer Camp 1

In Person @ UC Berkeley College of Engineering or Virtual option/ June 16-20 @ 10:00am - 3:00pm PST

Join Kids Teach Tech and UC Berkeley Engineering, in partnership with Georgia Tech and Urban League of Greater San Francisco Bay Area for our 5th Annual Engineering Summer Camp on June 16th - 20th from 10am to 3pm in person at UC Berkeley College of Engineering or virtually if you live outside the Bay Area. Students will learn Data Science and Artificial Intelligence concepts, and do fun hands on projects in Python Programming. An introduction to Python will be provided, so no experience is required. This FREE camp is open to all High School and Middle School students ready to learn some seriously fun coding and technology!

Apply Now
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Advanced Engineering STEM Summer Camp

In Person @ UC Berkeley College of Engineering or Virtual option/ June 23-27 @ 10:00am - 3:00pm PST

Join Kids Teach Tech and UC Berkeley Engineering, in partnership with Georgia Tech and Urban League of Greater San Francisco Bay Area for our 5th Annual Engineering Summer Camp on June 23rd - 27th from 10am to 3pm in person at UC Berkeley College of Engineering or virtually if you live outside the Bay Area. Students will learn Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning concepts, and do fun hands on projects. We highly recommend that students first attend our Kids Teach Tech STEM Camp from June 16th - 20th, unless they have attended our Kids Teach Tech STEM camps at UC Berkeley in previous summers. This FREE camp is open to all High School and Middle School students ready to learn some seriously fun coding and technology!

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Girl Power! - Women's History Month

In Person Kids Teach Tech @ Bishop Ranch
in San Ramon
March 23rd @ 10:00am - 2:00pm PST

Join Kids Teach Tech and Urban League of Greater San Francisco Bay Area Sunday, March 23rd for a fun game coding class using Python Programming created and taught by the female leaders of Kids Teach Tech! Everything will be introduced from the ground up, so no experience is required. Youth 11-18 apply today!

Application Closed
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MLK Creativity Contest and Game Coding Class

In Person / Urban League Bay Area Office @ Oakland City Center
January 25th @ 10:00am - 12:30pm PST

Join Kids Teach Tech and Urban League of Greater San Francisco Bay Area Saturday, January 25th for a fun and interactive Game Coding class and a Creativity Contest! Contest entries can be any creative expression (dance, poetry, essays, art, etc.) that represent the Black History Movement or MLK's Legacy. Youth 10-18 apply today for the class and submit creativity entries by January 20th.

*You can use the “Apply Now” button below to learn more and apply to the class. Once confirmed, submit an optional entry to the Creativity Contest.

Application Closed
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Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration

In Person / Kids Teach Tech @ Bishop Ranch in San Ramon / Sunday, October 13th @ 2:00pm - 4:00pm

Join Kids Teach Tech to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with Fun Game Coding in Scratch! Get ready for hands-on learning in a class taught by kids, for kids. For grades 3rd - 12th. Space is Limited in this popular FREE class!

Application Closed
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Industrial Design and 3d Printing Camp

In Person / Kids Teach Tech @ Bishop Ranch in San Ramon / Monday, August 5th - Friday, August 9th @ 10:00am - 3:00pm

Join Kids Teach Tech as we take a deep dive into the basics of 3D design and manufacturing in a 5 day camp! This class is open to 6th-12th graders of all skill levels, with students learning about the engineering design process, CAD modeling, and 3D printing, where you will be able to make your own design! Get ready for hands-on learning, interactive experiences, and a class taught by kids, for kids. Space is Limited in this popular FREE class!

Application Closed
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Young Innovators Program

In Person @ VW Innovation Center in Belmont / Tuesday, April 30th @ 4:00pm - 6:00pm

VW and Urban League of Greater San Francisco Bay Area are offering our youth community an exclusive event at the Volkswagen Group of America Innovation and Engineering Center California in Belmont. Learn how AI, 3D Design, and the latest in technology is used in creating LAMBORGHINI, BUGATTI, BENTLEY, AUDI, & VW cars! Tour the facility and vehicles!

Application Closed
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Black History Month - Black Futures & Game Coding

In Person / Urban League Bay Area Office @ Oakland City Center
February 24th @ 10:00am - 12:00pm PST

Join Kids Teach Tech and Urban League of Greater San Francisco Bay Area Saturday, February 24th for a fun game coding class. Everything will be introduced from the ground up, so no experience is required. Youth 8-18 apply today!

Application Closed

Kids Teach Tech In The News

28th March 2024

East Bay Innovation Awards

We Won! Kids Teach Tech wins the East Bay Economic Development Alliance Innovation Award for the Education category.

28th March 2024

East Bay Innovation Awards

Kids Teach Tech is one of two finalists for the East Bay Economic Development Alliance Innovation Award in the Education category.


Teaching It Forward

This year, the AI4OPT “Teaching the Teachers” mission came to life on Berkeley’s campus with the first
in-person Kids Teach Tech (KTT) STEM Summer Camp...

July 2023

AI Institute and KTT

See Kids Teach Tech's STEM summer camp success featured on page 6 of the Artificial Intelligence Institute's July 2023 newsletter.

21st August 2020

Agents Of Change

While most 10-year-olds are focused on homework, friends, sports, or video games, Arjun Banerjee Mulchandani launched his own company...

August 22, 2022

U.C. Berkeley Engineering & KTT Partnership

U.C. Berkeley Engineering continues its successful partnership with KTT to bring Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and coding to underserved youth...

September 1, 2022

Engineering Masters Student on the Importance of KTT

Ariel Qian from UC Berkeley Engineering talks about Kids Teach Tech’s Program with UC Berkeley and her incredible experience in it...

18th October 2021

U.C. Berkeley Engineering & KTT

Berkeley IEOR & Georgia Tech ISYE partner with Kids Tech Tech to inspire underrepresented youth with the power of engineering...

10th August 2021

Georgia Tech & KTT

The Seth Bonder Camp in Computational and Data Science for Engineering is a five-day summer program for high school students...

23rd April 2021

Girls Steam Expo

National College Resource Foundation CEO and COO with KTT Girls/Teens on stage before KTT's Empowerment through Coding Expo workshop.

3rd February 2019

Logikcull Blog

Learning Technology, With The Help Of An 11 Year Old. He launched KTT by introducing Python to over 75 underserved students in Oakland...


Our Partners

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boys and girls club logo
boys and girls club logo
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Kids Teach Tech Stats

All of Kids Teach Tech's Team Members have spent countless hours helping to teach coding to students around the world.


Students Taught


Classes Taught By KTT


Enjoy Our Classes


Students Are Underserved


Janet Hayes

"I'd like to thank you and all of the KTT team members for your wonderful work! My son, Logan Bowie, is learning so much this week in camp, and I'm enjoying eavesdropping on the classes. I'm very impressed with the well-organized lessons, and with the skills of the young teachers. ... Aahan deserves a lot of praise for his patience, positivity, and ability to multi-task with his break-out group. He is not only a skilled coder, but also a natural teacher and -- most important -- a kind and generous young man. I am so grateful that my son is spending this week with such a wonderful role model."

Ramtin Bani Noe

"Thanks a lot for helping Ariana to learn Python. She had an awesome time and enjoyed taking part in the course. I was blown away by the quality of the teaching and the nice presentation at the end." 

Sabrina Charles

"Blake absolutely loved the class. It was his first exposure to a coding class. The material was relatable and the instructors were so patient and helpful. He wants to continue and take additional classes. "

Cindy Vaes

"My son took your Introduction to Python class yesterday and LOVED it. He loves coding in general (Scratch and some Java Script) so to be introduced to a new coding language was amazing. On top of this, the way the class was set up and the energy of his coach in the breakout room was second to none! As a result, we would love to be informed of any new classes or summer camps that you are offering! He is also interested in finding out more about becoming a teacher for your non-profit! He is very comfortable with Scratch, but hopes to get more proficient in Python, Java (Script) and other coding languages."