Code 123 (Code A Story)

Copy the code below and paste it into your Repl.IT project.

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Kind = input("Type of Story (Space or Fairytale): ")
Pronoun = input("Pronoun: ")
Noun = input("Noun: ")
Verb = input("Verb: ")
Place = input("Place: ")
Ending = ("And he was stuck there...")
if Kind == ("Space"):
  print ("You have chosen " + Kind)
  print ("There once lived a brave astronaut named " + Pronoun + ". The astronaut traveled in a spaceship named " + Noun + " at the speed of light to the planet " + Place + ". " + Pronoun + " loved " + Verb + " all day in the spaceship. Once " + Pronoun + " arrived at " + Place + ", he decided to go " + Verb + " on planet " + Place + ". " + Ending)
elif Kind == ("Fairytale"):
  print ("You have chosen " + Kind)
  print ("There once lived a splendid elf named " + Pronoun + ". The elf lived in a spacious castle in the town of " + Noun + ". " + Pronoun + " loved to go " + Verb + " all day every day. One day " + Pronoun + " decided to " + Verb + " all the way to go " + Place + ". " + Ending)
  print ("Invalid choice")